Heart n soul

I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart. Vincent van Gogh

Fear of being alone……

Oh my clumsy heart…..always needs to be pampered, and it’s making me feel lonely!

I wonder if this happens with anyone else or its just me ‘ the odd one out’.

People chattering, kids on the verge of making a battlefield, maid cooking and heat from kitchen making everything drunk with the aroma of the dish of the day ! And there goes again..The annoying sigh! Is it the sigh of contentment or resentment? I really don’t know.

It has engulfed me whenever I’m vulnerable, feeling of failure, feeling of being alone…..or fear of being alone would be more appropriate.

I really don’t like being lonely….lonely and alone….  i feel like suffocating in the emptiness even when I’m with someone. Hope I don’t drown in it, surviving is my only option.

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Heart n soul

I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart. Vincent van Gogh

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